Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why American Airline Flights Were Canceled

Anyone flying last week were told their flight was canceled last minute. Why? American Airlines say their planes were grounded causes of maintenance. Pilots said something needed to be looked at or something needed fixing. Also pilots were calling in sick, so therefore more flights canceled cause they had no one to fly them. It seemed weird to them tat they were so many 'write ups' maintenance needed. they were also being given right before departure time. Suspicious, right? This is bad for business too because the people that fly with them will go to another airline instead. they canceled about 1% (300) flights in a week (18th-23rd). They say this was a plan by the pilots to do this, they were planning a 'sickout', but all 10,000 pilots that represent american airlines rejected that.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

no need for drivers license!

They say by 2040 the cars will be driving themselves around. We won't need to know how to drive.We already have cars that can parallel park themselves now. They also say we wont need traffic sings anymore cause these cars won't need them. I would not feel safe in one of these cars! I don't know how you guys feel about it but I would be afraid of something going wrong with the robot/computer system in the car and being stuck somewhere not knowing how to fix the problem, it wont be as easy as changing a tire. They have already made 2 cars that they have tested that are self driving. They tested it on a 8,000 mile road trip in 2010. They are made to follow the road and find and avoid obstacles. They have sensors on them that scene stuff around them like other cars. The car would be conected to what they call a central station that knows where it is and it send signals to it for speed and traffic information so it can go through intersections and not hit things.I don't really know what to say about this its so weird yet so cool.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

power out!

There was a major power outage in Havana, Cuba and other towns surrounding it.They got power back on Monday and people started to return home. It was a transmission line that caused it to go out; a 220,000 volt line. It carried power from one town to another so it was important. The people aren't used to a big outage like this so it was unusual to them that this happened. The only time something like this happens is when a storm goes over. Also the temperatures were in the 70's- 90's so it was hot and humid and no electricity, that would suck!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Possible Cure for Cancer!

 Swedish gene therapist found this possible cure. He created a virus that can cure it. Most people think virus only can make you sick but shockingly they can help you sometimes like in this case. They have only tested this in the lab it’s never been tested on a human. It kills tumor cell lines well at least it does in animals. Kills cancer cells completely and the side effects aren’t bad they say they are 'flu-like in humans'. So if they keep testing and trying this we are that much closer to finding a cure for cancer!