Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A man by the name of Warren Lee Hill is going to be executed today(Tuesday). In 1990 he killed Joseph Handspike. He killed him while they were both in prison in Georgia. Warren is mentally disabled and the court denied his request for clemency. His execution isn't until 7 p.m. in Jackson, Georgia. This is really sad I don't care if he did something bad he is mentally disabled and he is being executed. There was a thing in 2002 that was passed/made that was mentally disabled people should be spared form execution. But they did go by that because in Georgia  they have to "prove mental impairment". "Georgia is the only sate with reasonable-doubt standard".
""The U.S. Supreme Court says we don't put mentally retarded people to death, but we'll let the states determine who's retarded and who's not," CNN legal analyst Paul Callan said Monday."

It seems as if a lot of people are against this and his execution. Handspike's family even is saying to call off the execution. They are asking that the man that killed their loved one not to be killed. They have now involved the U.S. Supreme Court because some people want it and some don't they can't decide. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

plane crash

A plane crashed in the Ukraine. They say 4 people died. They had an emergency crash landing. they missed the run way and turned over. it was an AN-42, I think that's a small plane. There where 42 people on board. Also all the people where able to get off the plane before it started on fire. All  the people on the plane were soccer fans going to the UEFA champion game.

Monday, February 4, 2013

King Richard III found

King Richard the III was found on Monday. They were digging up a parking lot and they found a skeleton. they did DNA tests on it and it says it King Richard the III. This was in Leicester, England. They were doing an archaeological dig when they found these bones. they say his "remains will be reburied in Leicester Cathedral .  This is close to the site where he was buried when he died many years ago. They say they were lucky to find his bones in such good condition. He died 5 centuries ago and  with building built almost on top of his bones they are amazed they were still all there except his feet they were missing. This is interesting how they can identify hows bones they were just from DNA and the DNA form a few family members. 
