Friday, April 26, 2013

50 people found and a baby born in rubble

In Savar, Bangladesh a building collapsed on Wednesday. On Friday the rescuers were going through the rubble and found 50 people trapped. The building was 8 stories and they found the people on what would have been the 3rd floor. Since if would take a little while form them to get all the people out they sent food an water down to the people. Also along with finding 50 people they also fond out that a woman have given birth while under the rubble. The news agencies said there had been 2 women that had given birth. They still think more people are still trapped. They say 307 people have died in this collapse so far. They are trying to get all the people out alive before the bring in he heavy equipment to remove the rubble.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Children in Greece going hungry

In Athens they have a hunger problem. An elementary principal never thought something this would happen to them he thought it was 'impossible'. He says he used to seeing kids laugh and play and now he sees them digging through the trash for food. Little young ones  asking each other for leftovers. They are so hungry some are in some much pain it makes them bend over in pain of hunger. The principal asked the family's and they were embarrassed and ashamed but they said the truth.  The truth was they haven't been able to find jobs in a while like months. They say the Greek economy is down by 20% in the past 5 years. The unemployment rate is more then 27%. 6 in 10 people looking for jobs say they haven't had a job in a year. Their savings is gone and they are fighting for survival on very little food. Also Greek schools don't offer school lunches like we get here. These kids aren't getting the food and nourishment them need to survive. This is very sad.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

app could hijack a plane

I think technology has gone to far. There is now a smart phone app the could hijack a plane. A German security consultant said a Android app could be used to hijack a plane remotely.  Wednesday the Netherlands, Hugo Teso said that he spent 3 years making this 'SIMON' thing that could be used to 'attack and exploit airline security software' and then this app takes over controlling the  plane. The man calls this PlaneSploit. They tested it using a flight-simulator to show what it can do by sending radio waves to it.  It can change the speed and the altitude and the direction of the plane. The security systems  right now aren't strong enough to detect this and know its wrong. This is scary.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Storms in Colorado

Colorado is experiencing all kinds of weather. In Denver they are supposed to get a sever storm and in the southern part of the state is sunny and warm. In Denver they had to cancel  465 flights because of the snow. they winds for this coming storm bought them a few inches of snow.  This storm is supposed to bring tornadoes and high winds. 2.6 million people live in the path that this storm is said to take.  A meteorologist  says "Blinding snow and 40 degrees below average does not sound like spring in Denver. On the flip side, the 20 degrees above average forecast for New York City feels more like early summer," he said. "But the unexpected is what we expect in spring."  Emergency people in Colorado  had calls to a wildfire, with a tornado and blizzard warning in a 50 miles radius.