Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The world is not going to end on Friday. 2013 will come and we will still be here.The people that do believe that it will end may do stupid thing though. I think there will be a baby boom. A lot of people might do what they have always wanted to do like go cliff diving or skydiving.Like the thing on their list of things they want to do before they die. 2013 I think will be like any other year new things will come out people will want it they will spend their money. Maybe something crazy will happen like prices on stuff goes down like gas or food price. I do think something will change drastically though. They keep saying how the world is going to end and I don't think it will, so something else big has to happen.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

George W.Bush is going to be a grandpa

George W. Bush is going to be a grandpa for the first time. His daughter Jenna Bush Hager is pregnant. She is due in the spring. George Bush and his wife are "thrilled" to be grandparents. They say they are going to spoil their grandchild. Jenna and her husband are also very excited about having a baby but Jenna is nervous about it. They asked George what they baby will call him and she said "Sir!". I don't think he will do that. It's his first grandchild I don't think he will be harsh like that.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Burglar calls 911

In Springtown, Texas a burglar Christopher Moore called 911 because he was being held at gunpoint.  James Gerow was the homeowner and and his son is the one that pointed the gun. When Moore called the cops he didn't even know where he was all he said was "i'm out in the country somewhere. Someone guy's got a gun on me.". They found where he was because Lindy Gerow called the cops also and they put it together she had told the cops to hurry "or my husband's was going to shoot him." Christopher was aressted  for burglary and is held on a $35,000 bond.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

beauty queen killed

The beauty queen of Sinaloa, Mexico was killed. Maria Susana Flores Gamez. There was a shootout and she go caught in the middle of it. There were also two more people that got killed too. The fight was between military troops and criminals from the municipality of Mocorito. There was a rifle found by her body when they found her but they don't know who shot her. This is not really something new though. One of the past beauty queens was also involved with things like this and drugs and she was taken to custody with several other people  but she got released. Since December 2006, 47,500 people in mexico have died from drug related fights. Also a lot of people have gone missing, about 5,300 and 9,000 people have been announced dead but no bodies have been found. I think they need to get it together and change this because they have a huge problem.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

table a key bored for iphone

they are in the process of making a program for iPhones so you can use a table as a keyboard. it hepls for people with big fingers. You have to program your phone for it so it recognizes it. It goes off of vibrations. They have it working now but there are still flaws its not perfect and it doesn't work all the time. Spell check helps spelling errors because it might not get the letter right that you hit. There is a video that shows how it works but I don't think its that great because it goes from the keyboard to the screen of the phone and it doesn't show the letters coming up as they are typing. So it could be totally  fake. There is also this other thing they are making so you can use your body as a touch screen and this actually works if you have the machine projector thing they use in the video which  i think it petty cool.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

no shoulder bones

Joshua Carter was born with out his collarbones. He a 22 year man that is normal just doesn't have collarbones. For those who don't know that is the bone in your shoulder. It is a very rare disease and its hereditary. This doesn't stop him for being able to do things, he can do everything that someone with collarbones can do. He started to notice that he was different in elementary and middle school. He could touch his shoulders together and no one else could. All his co workers are very accepting of this. They think its cool cause he can fit into smaller spaces because he can squeeze his shoulders together. He got this from his family, he is not the  only one that has it.His sister and his mom and hos moms granddad has it. If people make fun of him for it he doesn't let it get to  him cause he says 'roll with it cause at the end of the day your a little cooler than they are'.  I think this is kind a cool. In the video he crushes a can between his shoulders, a person with collarbones could never do that in a million years do that.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

killing giant manta rays

The Chinese are killing them with this medicine.They could make them go extinct. The giant manta ray population has gone down 1/3 in the last couple years.  Its not just in one area its all over the world. Marine biologist don't like seeing this happen so they made a law that it will be considered a crime if you kill one of these manta rays. Theses rays also reproduce slowly so they cant repopulate as fast as they are killed. They don't even kill them for food.Its for some of  their body parts that's all they want from them. Its just wrong to kill a innocent animal for fun pretty much. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

teen that buys houses!!....not cars

This girl is 15 and has bought two houses already. She has created her own little business. She buys old kind of junkie looking houses and fixes them and then rents them out. Rent is $800 and that money she uses to pay for next house. Since shes too young to actually buy her own house her parents help her and she just pays them back. She plans to buy 10 houses by the time shes 18. When she is 18 her parents are singing the houses over to her. For right now she is learning how things go when you buy a house and knowing what she can spend and what not to spend. She will probably go into real-state if she keeps doing this. I would never want to do this, they are crazy for even letting their daughter do this and they help her. 
there is a video is if you click the link 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

couple arrested for terror activities

In London's Heathrow Airport they arrested a couple about 26 years of age and both British nationals. They got off a flight from Egypt and were then arrested for terror activities. The polices didn't know if they were going to Syria or if they returned from from there.  they were brought to the police station and they searched two home in London to investigate. I assume that the homes belonged to this couple. Now they are looking into these two to see if they were part of something that happened in July. How do they tell if someone is a part of terror activity or not? or is it all a guess just of suspicion?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Starfish are a problem

Since like 1980's the Great Barrier Reef has lost about half of its coral. Its all because of this one kind of start fish its kind eats about 10 square meter in a year, that's a lot.  They say that the ecosystem has experienced a lot of damage. The damage was caused by tropical cyclones, starfish (crown of thorns), and coral bleaching.  If this keeps up in 10 years another half of it will be gone. The only thing they can really do to help fix this is to get rid of the starfish because they cant control the storms or coral bleaching cause they are natural occurring things its nature.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why American Airline Flights Were Canceled

Anyone flying last week were told their flight was canceled last minute. Why? American Airlines say their planes were grounded causes of maintenance. Pilots said something needed to be looked at or something needed fixing. Also pilots were calling in sick, so therefore more flights canceled cause they had no one to fly them. It seemed weird to them tat they were so many 'write ups' maintenance needed. they were also being given right before departure time. Suspicious, right? This is bad for business too because the people that fly with them will go to another airline instead. they canceled about 1% (300) flights in a week (18th-23rd). They say this was a plan by the pilots to do this, they were planning a 'sickout', but all 10,000 pilots that represent american airlines rejected that.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

no need for drivers license!

They say by 2040 the cars will be driving themselves around. We won't need to know how to drive.We already have cars that can parallel park themselves now. They also say we wont need traffic sings anymore cause these cars won't need them. I would not feel safe in one of these cars! I don't know how you guys feel about it but I would be afraid of something going wrong with the robot/computer system in the car and being stuck somewhere not knowing how to fix the problem, it wont be as easy as changing a tire. They have already made 2 cars that they have tested that are self driving. They tested it on a 8,000 mile road trip in 2010. They are made to follow the road and find and avoid obstacles. They have sensors on them that scene stuff around them like other cars. The car would be conected to what they call a central station that knows where it is and it send signals to it for speed and traffic information so it can go through intersections and not hit things.I don't really know what to say about this its so weird yet so cool.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

power out!

There was a major power outage in Havana, Cuba and other towns surrounding it.They got power back on Monday and people started to return home. It was a transmission line that caused it to go out; a 220,000 volt line. It carried power from one town to another so it was important. The people aren't used to a big outage like this so it was unusual to them that this happened. The only time something like this happens is when a storm goes over. Also the temperatures were in the 70's- 90's so it was hot and humid and no electricity, that would suck!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Possible Cure for Cancer!

 Swedish gene therapist found this possible cure. He created a virus that can cure it. Most people think virus only can make you sick but shockingly they can help you sometimes like in this case. They have only tested this in the lab it’s never been tested on a human. It kills tumor cell lines well at least it does in animals. Kills cancer cells completely and the side effects aren’t bad they say they are 'flu-like in humans'. So if they keep testing and trying this we are that much closer to finding a cure for cancer!