Wednesday, November 28, 2012

beauty queen killed

The beauty queen of Sinaloa, Mexico was killed. Maria Susana Flores Gamez. There was a shootout and she go caught in the middle of it. There were also two more people that got killed too. The fight was between military troops and criminals from the municipality of Mocorito. There was a rifle found by her body when they found her but they don't know who shot her. This is not really something new though. One of the past beauty queens was also involved with things like this and drugs and she was taken to custody with several other people  but she got released. Since December 2006, 47,500 people in mexico have died from drug related fights. Also a lot of people have gone missing, about 5,300 and 9,000 people have been announced dead but no bodies have been found. I think they need to get it together and change this because they have a huge problem.

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